Day: May 8, 2021

Net-Zero Emission No Later Than 2050: No Goal is Too Ambitious, No One is Left Behind

Net-Zero Emission No Later Than 2050: No Goal is Too Ambitious, No One is Left Behind

21st April 2021, The Thamrin School Summit: Indonesia Civil Society View on Climate Crisis is
held -with representatives from 40 organizations and individuals attended and presented their views. On
behalf of the attendees, we would like to congratulate President Joe Biden and the other World Leaders
for convening the Leader Summit on Climate. It is in our view that the meeting is timely and crucial in
ensuring the global and consolidated efforts as stipulated in Paris Agreement five years ago.

[Press Release] 48 organizations urge JICA and ADB to abandon plans to finance the Hin Kong gas power project in Thailand

48 organizations from more than 15 countries announced a joint statement calling for the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Asian Development Bank (ADB) to reject financing the Hin Kong gas power project in Thailand. This project seeks to construct a 1,400 megawatt gas-fired power plant in Muang District of Ratchaburi Province, which will lock in greenhouse gas emissions and stifle the just transition to renewable energy that is needed to address the climate crisis.